Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Puasa Sembuhkan Berbagai Gangguan Penyakit

Puasa Sembuhkan Berbagai Gangguan Penyakit
Selama ini, pencernaan Anda bekerja selama 18 jam sehari tanpa henti. Pada saat puasa, pencernaan, enzim serta hormon yang biasanya bekerja mencerna makanan bisa beristirahat selama 14 jam!

Jadi, jika dilakukan secara benar, puasa dapat ‘mengendalikan’ berbagai jenis penyakit. Seperti diabetes, darah tinggi, kolesterol tinggi, tukak lambung, hingga obesitas. Berikut penjelasannya:

Puasa membersihkan tubuh dari sisa metabolisme
Saat berpuasa tubuh akan menggunakan zat-zat makanan yang tersimpan. Bagian pertama tubuh yang mengalami perbaikan adalah jaringan yang sedang lemah atau sakit, seperti; peradangan atau pernanahan. Puasa berproses seperti operasi yang membuang sel-sel rusak dari bagian tubuh yang sakit, selanjutnya memberi kesempatan kepada peremajaan sel-sel sehingga lebih aktif.

Melindungi tubuh dari penyakit gula
Kadar gula darah cenderung turun saat seseorang berpuasa. Hal ini memberi kesempatan pada kelenjar pankreas untuk istirahat. Seperti Anda ketahui, fungsi kelenjar ini adalah menghasilkan hormon insulin. Hormon ini berfungsi mengatur kadar gula dalam darah, mengubah kelebihan gula menjadi glikogen yang disimpan sebagai cadangan pada otot dan hati.

Menyehatkan sistem pencernaan
Di waktu puasa, lambung dan sistem pencernaan akan istirahat selama lebih kurang 12 sampai 14 jam, selama lebih kurang satu bulan. Jangka waktu ini cukup mengurangi beban kerja lambung untuk memroses makanan yang bertumpuk dan berlebihan.

Puasa mengurangi berat badan berlebih
Puasa dapat menghilangkan lemak dan kegemukan, secara ilmiah diketahui bahwa lapar tidak disebabkan oleh kekosongan perut. Tetapi juga disebabkan oleh penurunan kadar gula dalam darah.

Saat puasa, perhatikan cara makan
Kunci agar tetap sehat dan bugar saat menjalankan puasa adalah memperhatikan persentase makanan yang masuk ke dalam tubuh, yaitu 50% untuk berbuka, 10% setelah salat tarawih, 40% pada waktu sahur. Selain itu, Anda juga harus makan secara teratur pada saat buka dan sahur dengan menu yang seimbang, yaitu; makanan yang terdiri dari karbohidrat 50-60%, protein 10-20%, lemak 20-25%, cukup vitamin dan mineral dari sayur dan buah. Selain itu, cukup serat dari sayuran untuk memperlancar BAB.

Asupan cairan juga harus diperhatikan kecukupannya. Minumlah 7-8 gelas sehari, terdiri dari 3 gelas waktu sahur dan 5 gelas dari buka sampai sebelum tidur.

Perhatikan juga pengaturan menu:

Pada waktu berbuka puasa:
Pilih makanan atau minuman yang manis agar segera meningkatkan kadar gula darah. Atau pilih makanan yang mengandung karbohidrat sederhana agar mudah diserap tubuh. Setelah jeda beberapa menit, barulah mengonsumsi makanan lengkap yang terdiri dari nasi, lauk pauk, sayuran dan buah.

Pada waktu makan sahur:
Tidak berbeda jauh dari saat berbuka puasa, hanya saja porsinya dikurangi. Dianjurkan mengonsumsi makanan berkadar protein tinggi, agar diproses lambung lebih lama. Selain itu pencernaan dan penyerapan juga lebih lama dibanding makanan berkarbohidrat tinggi, sehingga tidak cepat terasa lapar.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009


Do You wishs succesfull?AS told kathy paula,attitude is important factor succeeded or failed it someone in having career in other works.like wise in network marketing industries,the business condition do not always stable,up and down,it is not simply reaching position of the top,but learning to spring up growing before reaching top.

moreover when joins in network marketing industry ,of course you must have goals,second must be triggered by antusias,spirit to smolder reachs for succseed,kathy said,you given on to 2 choice: desists midway or persists with reachs for your dream.

according to kathy,That known as trainer network marketing tele class-recruiting made simple;inside secrets and proven positive scripts,attitude meaned you feces reality with expectation,and enjoys every tiring which you do,not with feeling of fear and worries. condition of you are the existing is result from mind total antecedent.

if you want to make your future is become better, need to change negative mind become positive right now,"said kathy",while calls some wisdom words ,as man can change with changing attitude if you wish to change atttitude,kathy give the recipe with 4 step:

First step

Utterances control about your self,cause 85-95% from his will be heard negativity for opponent to speak. if you have ever resided in at situation where anything doesn't run good,ask at your self" does I have acted up negativity?" on the contrary if you good acted,anything will run as good as you want.

Second step

what becomes your aspiration?do your promise meets as well as yours?according to you the will bring successfulness or failed?visualize that you are walking succesfullnes,and of prospect is being recruited answers to you with positif thingking,that they will respect,because has is chosen as business partner.

Third step

Noted with whom just you had spared time,evaluate interaction during with them,what effect gotten from them?if negative,you had two choice,first to limit interacts with they are because will only leave over feeling is not comfort.second,looks for new interaction of which can jack up spirit of live,that always supports you successfulness. one thing special from business network marketing was most of its,the perpetrator thought positive,to enjoy and supports other people because if they dont act of its,of course they will not successfully creates network.

Fourth step

Ensures that all which you are read,hear and sees is positive things of which able to increase either status,mental and also spiritual.they are which is successful is which able to see positive side all things,than takes advantage of it.

If doing is fourth steps,therefore you residing in at correct line. Accustoms during 30 or 60 days later,you will see significant progress.


Saturday, February 28, 2009


Bird kolibri has neck is having colour stone rubi. this animal is including one of creation of the infinite that is very amazes. length only more or less 9 cm. but this animal assumed which at most having energy in comparing other quick-tempered other animal. 2 year once, bird kolibri flown from kanada south towards panama in american of Latin. journey gone through between it is passing an approximately distance region 800 kilimeter to sea without desisting.

typical view the always is presented this small bird bird is they always flown out of one interests to other interest to look for honey and insect,when flying this bird its loss many body heat because of that every day they must fill its with food. actually their jorney which they do to the south they can do relatively the heaviest challange is when they must do a real journey,to fly over the sea,karena of they may not run out of energy.

nighttime before facing last journey over the seas,kolibri intentionally in a fasting position of said energy required to heat the body only shifts 20% from its normal amounts. in a period of this practical fasting,kolibri only just populating,even if let us is touch they will not react. so after the sun rise,they wake up,then they collect other last honey and food before flying explores distance 800 kilometre to sea.

difficult to imagine how small creature which length 9 the cm only can fly so far without desisting.

we are many learnings from bird kolibri is having neck stone colour rubi, preparation amazing done a bird in faces length journey. we are main learning in way of building business or leads an organization of company, we must have 2 main recipe like property of bird kolibri, that is ENERGY and PREPARATION

Maintains always you energy as optimal,prepare your self to face all possibilities which happen,capacity to make planning and collects all something that can till project carefully is a basic,journeys is so far,improve your vision,make a bigger your dream still prepared yourself for thing bigger again

successfulness can be reached for if you will activate you desire that will give gasoline at your self,others prepare you self draws up does journey during having year and year is having mile to mile through various barricades before your successfulness reachs for

see you the top!


The biggest enemy of remarkable life is balmy life! yes , of course that is reality ,many from we which do not want to act again,to grow up or even only sees situation of our round about now just very this ,phenomenon weight happened in our neighberhood,cause public this is heritage from our ancestors culture,colonialist culture,them is swung with facility given colonist and unconsciously all our land products this carried to their country,and this thing happened during hundreds of year, we cannot blame who is this,its happened, you can imagine our attitude which we do during 3 month of partaking partakes is just in the end becomes a permanent habit and in the end will become a budaya,moreover if it is done during 350 years

This culture still be inherited by society,many people is swung with comfort of deceit,in example, global crisis happened almost half year this becomes heavy blow to all entrepreneur,many from they which has dismissed their employ,thousand even hundreds of thousand employees now retired,many people stress,anda has can imagine , how not stress, many year they entrust the family future in 1 area accupation,they hoped that their accupation can finance their life,they forget if company place of they work,its had others where at the time owner of the company can dismiss him

this phenomenon ought to become Iesson for we all, doesn't have ever put down all eggs in one place.in condition still having source of main production,seek out other alternative, source of earnings others ,in order to in a moment when you had unable to work again with reason of any you had had others back up..remember,now it's the moment you are exit from your comfort zone, thousand hundreds employees retired...when your turn??? as fate of your families??? everythings depend on you

Change Or Die!